The Summer of Golf is on us.
We have the PGA Championship at Pegasus in March and that is going to be one fun, fully sanctioned Tier 2 Event. When the concept of Pegasus being built was mooted many years ago there were plenty of sceptics who doubted the village/course would ever make it commercially. If a mark of success is another development across the road from the entrance that has a McDonalds as one of the first buildings that is already open, then I suppose that could be it.
We were there on a pre-event reconnaissance a couple of weeks ago and both the Township and the Golf looks in great shape.
Then of course at the end of this month, the week prior, is the New Zealand centenary Open at the Hills and Millbrook. Jacks Point will be playing its part during the week and the Pro AM is sold out. The star of course will be Geoff Ogilvie but in full support and returning from partial retirement is Cambo. Getting Michael Campbell to Queenstown is most certainly a feather in the cap for New Zealand Golf Inc and the rest of the Tournament team so it will be fun to watch how he goes.
We’ve visited all three courses recently and all were pristine. The Hills is just releasing its new 9-hole course and that is certainly going to attract huge interest.
Many people will know of Phil Hassall. Phil has been involved with New Zealand Golf Inc for many – many years and it was with regret to learn of his full retirement as President on the 31st December 2018.
Also the very effective, and unfailingly polite Murray Ward also stood down as Chairman and from the NZG Board the following day, 1 January 2019. Murray will then step into the President’s position filling the casual vacancy position through until the 2019 AGM when a formal election for President will take place.
These 2 gentlemen have been instrumental in their governance style and helping to guide golf into the enviable position of strength it is in today.
Michael Smith, from Tauranga has now taken over from Murray Ward in accordance with the long-standing succession plan that is in place. We wish him the very best.
Two news items have reached us too late to include in the magazine. Great news that Wenyung Keh has accepted an invitation to play in the August National Women’s Amateur to be held in April. What an experience for such a talented player. The other piece of news that many Auckland golfers will be happy to hear is that Auckland Council have retreated on their plans to redevelop Chamberlain Park and surrendered the resource consent they gave themselves (through rather a rather unfair process). A big YES for the fighters.