Figures have been released that reveal a staggering increase in golf participation throughout New Zealand following the COVID-19 Lockdown period.
In figures supplied by NZ Golf, for the period 1st to 15th June 2020, there was an average 27.8% increase in the number of rounds played compared to 2019.
This is clearly a reflection of the many increases in new memberships at many clubs throughout New Zealand since we moved from the COVID-19 Lockdown to level 2.
Increases of 50 or 60 have not been uncommon.
The largest increases were recorded in the Taranaki region, a remarkable 49.5%.
In real terms, this is an increase from 4,014 to 6,003.
Wellington 41% (11,962 to 16,970) Canterbury 38.8%, North Harbour 38.1% and Auckland 34.3% (20,263 to 27,218) were also big movers.
Only one district Aorangi recorded single figures while two were not represented.
These figures surely augur well for the future of golf across Aotearoa in 2020.