By now, word is spreading that the NZ Golf Industry Council (NZGIC) will be holding a whole of golf conference next year.
While there are other large conferences in the world we think this is a unique initiative that will bring the whole industry together.
Designed around a theme of Coordinate – Collaborate – Communicate this is the first time the various golf sectors will have an opportunity to come together, to meet, discuss, learn about things golf – not just things related to their sector area but also find out more about the other sectors.
This will be a chance for people to work together looking at ways to move forward, grow, develop strategies and to work on the challenges.
The primary objective of the conference is to provide opportunities for all attendees to share and disseminate information about new innovations, concepts, research and best practices happening within the golf industry.
It will also provide attendees with the opportunity to network amongst both their New Zealand and international golfing peers.
This will appeal to people from across the golfing spectrum, including; Course Superintendents, Club Managers, Club Board/Committee members, Golf Professionals, Golf Industry Service Providers, Golf Industry Suppliers, Other Interested Golfing Parties
I have had people say to me ‘but surely each sector can learn more if they have their own conference targeted to their own needs’ my response is – ‘possibly BUT (there’s always a ‘but’) sure if each sector has their own conference then they can fit in more on things specific to them, BUT, in various organisations I have worked or been associated with I have observed how fragmented they are with the different aspects of the organisation working in their own little bubble.
I have often heard people complaining that other teams or departments don’t understand their work. For golf, a ‘whole of golf conference’ is the ideal way for the sectors to learn about each other and working together to overcome that lack of understanding and develop a better understanding of the requirements amongst the various sectors.
Over the years I have visited several organisations where there is great collaboration between the various departments (not only in golf but in numerous other work and activity spheres) and the feelings of job satisfaction are high.
These organisations have all ensured that their staff are aware of the skills and tasks required and challenges faced in other areas of work and can even help out in a different area when the need arises.
Our Whole of Golf Conference is being eagerly anticipated internationally as this is a unique concept – having one combined conference instead of the individual sectors each having their own. It is seen as a great step forward toward looking after golf into the future.
This is not just about saying hello and having a drink together, it is about true collaboration so the more people there the better.