COVID-19: Golf Allowed At Alert Level 3

happy golfers

As the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today that New Zealand will move down to Alert Level 3 from Midnight on Monday 27 April, it has also been confirmed that golf will be able to be played from next Tuesday.

In a short statement on New Zealand Golf’s Twitter account, the National body said, “It is confirmed that golf will be able to be played in #Covid19 Alert Level 3 under strict rules and guidelines, which will become known this week!”

A meeting had been expected between NZ Golf and the Government for today and it is envisaged more information about the rules regarding how clubs will operate during Level 3 will be known by close of business on Wednesday.

Exercise and recreation is an important part of maintaining our health and well-being but it is unclear at this stage whether solo and/or extended bubble golf will be allowed at Alert Level 3.

NZ Golf has stated that they have put forward a range of scenarios for golf and are seeking advice on this matter.

More to come.


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