He has represented New Zealand in both rugby union and cricket, a so-called “Double All Black”, and is one of the most well-known faces on Sky Sports, but Jeff Wilson also has another passion and today we find out all about his love of golf in our Quick Round with Jeff Wilson.
How old were you when you started playing golf and who got you started?
Probably about 15 or 16, my Dad Bill took me out for hit in Invercargill. Before that, he did have me catching golf balls for catching practice.
Where did you start playing golf?
Started in Invercargill, but really caught the bug in Dunedin at the Otago Golf Club, Balmacewen.
What is the lowest handicap you have ever played off?
Maybe 2.8…it’s been a while.
My lowest round was and where?
71 and Muriwai
How far do you hit your 7-iron?
What is your biggest fear on the golf course?
Out of Bounds on the right (Like most cricketers)
What is the biggest frustration (pet peeve) when playing golf?
Slow play. It’s not the Masters…
What do you most love about playing golf?
The walk, the banter, the competition, the views, the first beer afterwards…regardless of who’s paying.
What is your most memorable moment in golf?
Playing Jack Points with Mike Davies in Queenstown against Lydia Ko and John Key. Lydia shot 6 under…needless to say we lost.
What is your favourite golf course?
Millbrook Resort / Tara Iti / The Hills / Muriwai…the list is endless….
Who is the most famous person or best golfer you have played with?
I played a round with Greg Turner at Millbrook a long time ago..he shot 6 under after an eight-week injury lay off!!
What is the most memorable time/experience you have had on the golf course?
Having my wife Adine carry my bag the last two years at the NZ Open Pro-Am is right up there. Best of both worlds…great company and playing half-decent golf.
If you could pick any three people, alive or dead, to play in a four-ball with, who would they be?
Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus and Michael Jordan Any particular reason for your choices? Want to see the two best golfers in their prime go head to head….and then watch Jordan think he could still win….
Who would you get the most satisfaction out of beating on the golf course?
Justin Marshall And why? Because it’s Justin Marshall.
Who is your favourite professional player to watch and why?
Tiger Woods…. it’s not the same when he’s not in the field.
My favourite golf destination is?
Queenstown..how many courses…Arrowtown, Jacks, Millbrook, Kelvin Heights, Hills, Cromwell and Wanaka.
My favourite golf movie is?
There can be only one…Happy Gilmore.
What is your favourite thing to do away from the golf course?
Organising my next opportunity to be on the golf course. Actually, its spending time with my family….